The Powerful Effects of Dental Sealants | Dentist Newport News

During your child’s next dental appointment at Peninsula Dental Care, you may be advised to have their teeth sealed. Dental sealants are a proactive measure to prevent tooth decay on the chewing surfaces of teeth. To make an informed decision, it’s important to understand how this procedure can impact your child’s oral health.

Why Get Sealants?
Sealants are an effective way to prevent tooth decay, especially on the back teeth, which are more susceptible to cavities due to their deep grooves. Our dentists frequently recommend sealants for children and teens, but they can also be beneficial for adults. Sealants can prevent 80% of decay during the first two years after application and about 50% of decay up to four years after application. Children without sealants have a three times higher risk of tooth decay compared to those with sealants.

At What Age Should Sealants Be Applied?
The first set of molars usually appears around age six, and the second set appears around age 12. Sealants are most effective when applied just after the molars have emerged through the gum line. During your regular dental examination, your dentist in Newport News will determine the best time to apply sealants.

What Should I Expect?
Sealant application is a common and painless procedure. After a thorough cleaning, a special gel is applied to your child’s teeth. Once the gel is rinsed off, the sealant is painted onto the teeth. A small blue curing light is then used to harden the sealant in a matter of seconds.

What Concerns Should I Have?
Sealants generally have no side effects, and allergic reactions are extremely rare. However, if your child has allergies, it’s important to inform your dentist so they can determine the best course of action.

Next Steps
When properly applied and maintained, sealants can last for several years before needing replacement. Regular dental visits are essential to preserve the integrity of your sealants and teeth. If your child had sealants applied years ago and you’re unsure if they need replacement, schedule an appointment with your dentist.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, please contact Peninsula Dental Care, your trusted dentist in Newport News. We are here to help you maintain your family’s oral health.

Peninsula Dental Care of Newport News
Phone: (757) 874-7155
12821 Jefferson Ave.
Newport News, VA 23608